breakfast menu: FEBRUARY

lunch menu: FEBRUARY
food service
Siena Catholic Schools is proud to partner with Taher, Inc., as our food service management company for the 2024-25 school year. Taher will work with our food service personnel at each of our school sites to provide healthy and nutritious breakfast, lunch and after-school snack programs beginning in the fall. Taher is the largest K-12 food service management company in Wisconsin and has built their reputation on a "chef-based food service program" with a focus on preparing meals at least 60% from scratch with fresh ingredients and priced affordably. The cost of breakfast is $1.80 and the cost of lunch is $3.25.
Cold lunch from home may be brought to school. Students may purchase a milk or bring their own beverage. Fast food and carbonated beverages are not allowed in our cafeteria.
Students will be set up with a meal account. To deposit money into their account, you may go to the Meal Magic www.sienacatholic.familyportal.cloud to create an account (search for “Siena Catholic Schools”) OR you may send payments to the school office, and we will make the deposit for you the day that we receive it.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application for 2024-25 OPENS JULY 2nd
The 2024-25 school year free and reduced lunch application is now open. This form needs to be completed annually before the beginning of the school year. Please take a moment to complete the online form to renew or apply for benefits for the 24-25 school year. When using the Meal Magic Family Portal make sure to use your username and passphrase from last school year. If you are a new family this fall, click "I need to register as a Family Portal user".
Please note that the free meal benefits that began in 22-23 will continue in 24-25. In order for us to continue to qualify for free meals, it is critical that all school families still complete this application.
For questions regarding the Free and Reduced Lunch Application, please contact Cintia Sanchez at (262) 753-1471 or csanchez@sienacatholicschools.org. Para preguntas o ayuda traduciendo a español, por favor contacte a Cintia Sanchez al 262-753-1471.