St. Joseph School is part of the South Shore Parochial League (SSPL). All students in 5th through 8th grades have the opportunity to participate in sports.
Michelle Larsen, Athletic Director
Sports Fees 24-25 (Make checks payable to “St. Joseph School”)
$20 - Cross Country
$50 - Volleyball (plus separate $50 uniform deposit)
$70 - Basketball (plus separate $100 uniform deposit)
$30 - Cheer (plus separate $100 uniform deposit)
$20 - Track & Field
* Uniform deposits will be held until uniforms are returned in good condition when season is over
siena catholic schools athletics handbook - Rev. 8/23
Coaches and Volunteers must take the Safe Environment Training through the Milwaukee Archdiocese. Click here to register.
Please download, complete and email these fillable Athletics forms to These are only accessible on desktop or laptop computers; they are not accessible on a tablet or mobile phone. You may also print a hard copy to complete and return to the school office.
student athlete medical info & emergency consent
parent/guardian risk acknowledgment & consent
concussion form for athletes
concussion form for parents
concussion & sudden cardiac arrest information
student/athlete sportsmanship pledge
parent/guardian sportsmanship pledge
PHYSICAL EXAM FORM (FOR ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION) — will need physician’s signature
Spirit Wear sales benefit our Athletics program here at St. Joseph School. Click the link above for ordering information.